Sunday, May 2, 2010

Initial Arduino Terms

Arduino sketches are built around two hard-wired procedure names:
  • One for initialisation: setup() //this just runs once, at the start of sketch processing
  • One for continuous operation: loop() //this runs continuously, until interrupted

025: Arduino Glossary

Here is a link to my Arduino Glossary. It is actually another page on this blog. When I created it, I was under the impression that this corresponded to task 029, which is why the page has a strange name.

024: Light-Dependent Resistors

I am looking forward to playing with my LDR. My Minor Project is going to be to do with "dithering" monotone sounds to try and model musical chords; I could possibly combine this with the LDR to make a light-controlled theremin.

If I can borrow a couple more LDRs, I could make a chordal theremin...

Here is the Ladyada Site. It has more information than I can currently handle on the technicals of LDRs; I plan to refer to it whenever I get confused by the behaviour of mine.

023: Another Arduino Type

Here is The Pinguino

I also found a reference to a Fartduino, for monitoring methane from cattle, but that was just a joke.

021, 022: Blinking and Swearing

Yet again, I have decided just to do the last one of this series.

Here is the code for Task 022:


Here is a Photo:


Here is a Video Clip:


19, 20: Winking and Ramping

Once again, I have decided just to do the last one of this series.

Here is the code for Task 020:


Here is a Photo:


Here is a Video Clip:


012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018: Variations on Blinking Themes

I have decided just to do the last one of this series of tasks, as I am getting behind.

I find the programming of these tasks relatively quick, but the posting of code, photos and video clips takes a while.

Here is the code for Task 018:


Here is a Photo:


Here is a Video Clip:
